måndag 21 maj 2012

Regeringen kan inte lura oss så länge till.

SvD: "Sverige rasar snabbt i världens trygghetsliga."

conlons kommentar:
-"Hmmmmmm. få se; vi har lägre ersättningar än OECD-genomsnittet.........., vi har världens näst högsta skattetryck. Vi tar emot i särklass flest flyktingar per capita i hela den utvecklade världen....
Näe..jag förstår inte vart pengarna tar vägen......."

Hedander svarar:
: D
"- Den som blundar ser inte problemen, sa statsministern."

Har en svag känsla av att statsministern kommer att få äta upp dessa sex ord.
Många, många, många ljuvliga gånger!

1 kommentar:

  1. If her skin was black and her religion was islam, she would be living in a fucking castle complaining about how ghosts make it too hard to live there.

    If the black asylum seekers were given a shed without water maybe they would realize it's not so bad where they came from. Seeing as how most of them factually do not qualify for asylum, and come from well to do families of shit countries who can afford to pay the smugglers to reach Sweden.

    Or protesting that she doesn't receive enough 'free shit' the water is too cold, the rooms too damp, the free money is not enough, the free doctor is not enough when still must pay cheap price of insulin that would never even receive in Somalia.
