lördag 14 april 2012

Jag fick en länk av en läsare, tack:

arabnyheterom gruppvåldtäkterna i Mariannelund:

-"In Sweden mainstream media is obviously trying to give as little publicity as possible to this horrifying crime, and are more interested in attacking different Swedish nationals for making politics of what happened. The nationals claim that all is a result of mass immigration, and that this is destroying Swedish ethics and culture, and in the end Swedes as an ethnic group or people.

The nationals, here (anti-Zionist), here (anti-Zionist), and here (Zionist) who are the only to cover this horrible crime with full information, also claim that what happened is racism against Swedes and for this mainstream media calls all of them “racists” or "Nazi" even those who think that all ethic groups or people have the same right to live and that none should be superior.

I think that mainstream media in Sweden is acting counterproductive in this matter, as everybody in Sweden knows about the problems of mass immigration, but dare not talk about it because of being looked about as “extremists”, “Nazis” or the like, when many only care about their own country and people. The best thing I think is an open discussion about the problems."

Ord och inga visor från en som inte dranbbts av den svenska inkvisitionen.

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