torsdag 30 juli 2020

Tegnall: - Stanna hemma resten av året!

Det finns många utomlands som också gått på svensk medias lögn om svensk halleluljahcoronastrategi, de tror på framgångssagan - vill till och med flytta hit, arma satar.

Men i Daily Mails kommentarer finns det en och annan som vet och förstår: 

NN1: - "I am not sure whether to laugh or cry, Tegnell is in cuckoo land! I visited a hospital a few days ago in Sweden. One doctor had a visor. Not one single member of medical or admin staff had any kind of protective clothing at all. I was disgusted. They walk around as if COVID-19 doesnt exist , majority of Swedes think they are immune and only infected people wear masks its hilarious because that is what people like Tegnell say on TV. Utterly useless. A large amount of Swedes get it, although many believe you have to be sick or over 70 to get Covid.? Fake fake fake news!"

NN2: -"My wife's family are Swedish. Life for in Sweden has been quite similar to the Uk. Primary schools were open but people if they could worked from home. The difference is they take advice and don't need laws. The Swedish economy has still collapsed dramatically (estimated by their Central Bank between 7-10%)and unemployment through the roof. Economically they have fared no better than their neighbours."

NN3: -"Sweden's coronavirus policies have killed thousands of people who should still be with us. Compare their death rate with Norway, Denmark and Finland. Sweden's is by far the worst."

NN4: - "For those who think Sweden is doing well compared to England. Think again. It has one seventeenth of the population density, and at 10m people, is the same as Londons.Both Sweden and London have 6,000 Covid deaths, although London has 240 times the population density. Meaning Sweden is doing badly."

1 kommentar:

  1. Agree NN1-4. NN4 har en poäng - befolkningstätheten - med svenskens tillit till FHMs råd, social distanering har inte gjort Sveriges resultat bättre än London. Det är som med päron och äpple, borde det inte vara Stockholm + Göteborg + x-städer eller äldreboende + utanförskapsområden MENA?
