måndag 17 februari 2020

Politiker- och medialögner kommer inte att rädda vare sig våra barn eller de kriminella.

Carin Götblad, regionpolischefen, ”är häpen över grovheten” i de brott som redovisats i den rapport om barns våldsbrott mot andra barn. 

Om Götblad var en insatt, bevandrad och skicklig yrkesman hade hon inte varit så häpen, det finns massor med dokumentation.

Bettina S B kommentar på FB:

- Vad gör pojkarna därhemma? Juvenile delinquent Somaliland. Finns som Pdf. På GOOGLE. Seek and you shall find. I rest my case. Det har inget med för få poliser under Alliansen att göra. Helt och hållet importerat.

"There is a perception that youth violence in Somaliland is on the increase. Many prison commanders, police officers, prosecutors and judges insist there has been a surge in offences by children over the past five to ten years. Incidents of organised, and sometimes violent, fighting between groups of young men in urban centres, referred to as “gang violence,” has reinforced this viewpoint.

 Moreover, in the absence of social services for children, the police are on the front line of dealing with at-risk youth. This extensive involvement of law enforcement with troubled youth itself then reinforces the impression of a crisis. To date, the response to the perception that youth violence and delinquency is on the rise has been to incarcerate juveniles. Underage children are imprisoned contrary..

" Källa Juvenile delinquent Somaliland 2018. 

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