måndag 19 september 2011

An open letter to all the Irish people.

I have read(!)in a Swedish sajt that redhaired people are under extermination. Today only two, 2, (!) % of the world´s people are naturally redheaded.
Here I come to why I write this letter to you all, as the fattest chance to keep redheads colour is in your beautiful country.
Whole 13 % of you have red hair.
So it´s up to you now, you must keep on producing more and more babies.
Otherwise it will go for redhaired humans as it goes for the seels.

Sitting all alone on a beach, a little seal is an outcast from the colony.
Its crime? Having reddish-brown fur and pale blue eyes.
The rest of its black family took an instant dislike to the ginger pup, leaving it to fend for itself.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2037734/The-lonely-seal-wanted-Pup-abandoned-having-rare-brown-fur.html#ixzz1YTfJjueq

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